Saturday, August 15, 2015

Weekly Goals

Last Weeks Goals
-Read two books
-Listen to a Podcast a day (I finished the 30 day Push challenge today so I need to find a new series)
-Prepare capsule wardrobe for fall


-Date night

-Haircuts for school
-Back to school shop
-Register kids for school

-Family Bible Night on Saturday
-Enjoy Papa


-Complete She Reads Truth study daily
-Write in gratitude/prayer/happiness journal daily
-Attend Wednesday Bible study and Sunday service

-Next five challenges in 31 days to a clutter free home
-With help from Papa: Change light bulbs, paint backdoor, fix TP holder, blinds, stove handle, and master bedroom fan.

-Get school keys =(
-Move furniture
-Finish 2 CCSD required videos (Their fault...they are not ready yet!)
-School bulletin board background and border
-Supplies organized

Sports/Kids Activities:

-Season starter football party
-Confirm and complete kids fall schedule

-Read two books
-Listen to a Podcast a day
-Prepare capsule wardrobe for fall 
-Work on Project Life album

-Date night

-Kids capsule wardrobes
-Get bedroom all ready for sleeping 

-Family Bible Night on Saturday
-Apply for family summer camps for 2016
-Make some vacation saving goals

-Complete She Reads Truth Daniel/Proverbs study daily
-Write in gratitude/prayer/happiness journal daily
-Attend Wednesday Bible study and Sunday service

-Complete all challenges in 31 days to a clutter free home

-Finish 2 CCSD required videos
-School bulletin board background/border/labels/electronics set up
-Lesson Plans

Sports/Kids Activities:
-Make a list of needed items/purchase/organize
-Basketball trophies
-Get Girl Scouts registered and ready to go

Makeover Your Mornings Day Four

Today we are encouraged to find an incentive for waking up early. Find something that brings you joy to start your day off right.

For me I look forward to that first cup of coffee and my Bible. BUT...I HATE getting up early. Like capital Hate. I always have. Now the being awake early part is is the getting up part that I cannot handle (Ask my high school principal...I only graduated because he could somehow see through the absences and tardies to see a successful girl underneath my inability to get out of bed.) I am trying though to change in my old age. Having to be IN my seat ready to start work at 7:15 AM is helping my cause.

One thing I am enjoying is trying to take more pride in my appearance and daily outfit and accessory choices. It has been awhile since I have spent much time on me in the self care department. I look forward to dressing in the morning when I am putting on something I love.

"Dress for the day you want to have, not for the day that is trying to have you," Abby Leigh says....good advice for busy moms!

I am a work in progress in the morning department, but I still have hope!

Friday, August 14, 2015

15 Minute Tidy

My evening routine I posted yesterday has something in it that when you just look you think, "that cannot all be done in that time frame!" But, it actually can. I call it (as do many) the 15 minute tidy.

When I first was married I found the Fly Lady. She is a big supporter of timing yourself and doing things in 15 minute increments. Jennifer Scott also shares on her podcast that many times you put off a task, like unloading the dishwasher, but if you time yourself you see this dreaded task only takes four minutes. You spend more time dreading it than the task itself takes! 

If you take 15 minutes each night for a whole house tidy, things will never be totally out of control. If you have your family help; even better! While I do the 15 minute tidy this school year Jamie and Juliette will be walking the dogs, then giving Rosie her pill and eye drops as well as a quick brush for her. Christian and Thaddy will be feeding and watering the other pets. My mom will be taking out the trash and unloading the dishes. In 15 minutes with the whole family pitching in, we get a lot done! 

The key is doing it EVERY night. The other key is not going over 15 minutes. You can do anything for 15 minutes, but if you try to get EVERYTHING done, nobody will help you at the end of a long day. 

By doing the 31 Days to a Clutter Free Home...tidying is all we need to do at the end of each day because everything is already de-cluttered and has a home. I deep clean weekly so all that is done in the 15 minutes is putting everything back in its place. 

So set that timer and get tidying! 

Read what Madame Chic Jennifer L. Scott has to say on the subject...

Make Over Your Mornings Day Three

Today in Day Three of the Money Making Mom Crystal Paine's Makeover Your Morning course, she encourages us to think of our priorities, or our big rocks, and put them in our morning routine FIRST. She says you should have 2-3 "big rocks" or non-negotiable morning tasks. These are the things that if you think about your day when you are lying in bed and you say it was a successful day because I did ______... that is a big rock. 

Make sure you are starting your day with the big rocks, and not allowing your life to be filled with the sand and water of the day. Paine shares from the e-book What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast  by Laura Vanderkam (which I just bought) where the author explains that highly productive people focus on the “important but not urgent” things early in their mornings. We all know how easily the “tyranny of the urgent” edges out the truly important. 

We should not wake up and hit the ground running taking care of our to do list. I need to wake up, fill my soul, and then be ready to conquer the day! For me I have decided my big rocks to start my day are:

1. Pray
2. Read my Bible/She Reads Truth/Love God Greatly/Good Morning Girls/Daily Proverb Studies
3. Write in my gratitude journal

I can easily have a very productive day where I check a lot off my to do list, but at the end feel empty. Like I missed the mark. If I take care of the big rocks FIRST they are not fighting for time from all of my daily tasks that still need to be done, but I have guaranteed a successful and accomplished day when I lie my head down to sleep. 

We need to make sure we are not just caught up in the endless trap of busy. If we allow that to happen we can wear ourselves out and never feel fulfilled. 

I loved this quote for MSM, "I can let me day happen to me or I can happen to my day." Let us be moms and teachers who HAPPEN to our day this school year!

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Makeover Your Mornings Day Two

You're morning begins the night before...

To make over our mornings we start with the night before. If you wake up and you are already behind you will probably NOT have a great morning. Your evening routine needs to be well thought out and completed each night. If you get in this habit your mornings will RADICALLY improve! 

I have used an evening routine for many years thanks to finding Fly Lady ( early in my homemaking days. I have re-evaluated it though with this new school season of life coming up and here is the new routine! Only a few tweaks...

My Evening Routine:
8 PM- TURN OFF ALL ELECTRONICS when we get home from after school activities
8-9:15 PM- Dinner/Check tomorrows schedule/Lay out clothes for tomorrow down to shoes/Pack all bags (backpacks, purses, sports bags, etc.)/15 minute Tidy/Sweep wood floors/Feed and water pets/Juliette and Jamie take doggies for a walk/Brush doggies teeth and hair/give Rosie her pill/eye drops/prep coffee for next day
9-9:30 PM-Kids baths/oils/foot massages/teeth brush/story/Chemo pills/Bed for kids
9:30-11:00 PM- Mommy and Daddy time/Bath/Bed

If you have not met the Money Saving Mom go NOW to her website and read more about this course at:

Indoor Climbing Gym

We love the Redrock Climbing Center...
Jamie and I used to climb here before we got married. It is fun to now watch our kids enjoy the same sport.

I love that they can tie figure eight knots, understand how to belay, and know how to work through a route. Such a fun way to get a workout mind, body and soul. 

Thaddeus was back at the gym after all these months of leukemia treatment this week at camp. He has had a blast!


My first IPSY package came yesterday. The package was super fun. I can see myself looking forward to seeing this in my mailbox every month!
What is IPSY? It is a monthly beauty supply club. $10 a month charged at the beginning of the month and you get a little pink bag shipped sometime mid month. No contract. Cancel anytime.
You start with a beauty survey to assess your needs and wants beauty wise. Then monthly they send you five items meeting your needs.

I got a lip gloss, liquid eyeliner, facial cleanser, nail polish, hair volumizer spray, and a cute little bag to hold it all.

I cannot wait to see what next month holds! I like the little encouragement to try new things and add a little something new to my makeup routine. 

If you want to try it for yourself click below!

Monday, August 10, 2015

Makeover Your Mornings Day One

So Day One was an easy one...decide on a time each day to work on the course and share with someone you are doing it. 

My choice is to do it each night before bed so my goals for the next morning are clear in my head...and I guess I am sharing here my commitment to making over my mornings. 

Day one... DONE!

Stitch Fix #3

I LOVE Stitch Fix. It is so fun to get a box of goodies each month specifically chosen for me! My stylist is getting to know me...this time I am keeping all five items (you get a good discount if you keep all of the items). 

I created a Pinterest board for her to look at and sent her very specific requests along with stars who I like their style. It seems to have worked! She sent me a perfectly styled fix!
I got a pair of black, skinny, high-waisted pants that are great for work.  A grey and white striped cardigan, a white blouse I LOVE, a skirt that is super cute and nice material, and a clutch in a great color. 

Next up is to try Ipsy...just got my shipment code for my first glam bag! 

Push Goals

I just completed the 30 Day Push program by Chalene Johnson. It really has revolutionized my thought process about goal setting. 

She suggests you make ten goals weekly. You then look at those goals and find your PUSH goal. This is not necessarily the goal that is most important to you; it is the goal that will PUSH your other goals, like dominoes, into existence. 

In the videos she teaches you so many good things. I HIGHLY recommend this free course.

You start with evaluating from 1-10 a list of ten things (ex physical health, emotional health, financial health...etc.). You then make your goal list based on what you find. She says that things you rank yourself high on are the things you naturally do well and you shouldn't focus on these things as goals. 

My three things I have been working on are spiritual growth, personal growth, and physical health. I am going to make financial health my ONLY goal for 2016.

You then make some key statements; think I will statements. 

She suggests you make a list of ten goals every week without looking at last weeks goals. You then identify your push goal. You focus energy on that goal everyday.  

My list for this week:
1. Get ready for new school year-work wise
2. Read Bible daily
3. Get ready for school year- kids wise
4. Finish organizing home
5. Get sports organized for fall
6. Read two books
7. Organize closets/Make fall capsule wardrobes
8. Finish home improvement list
9. Drink water
10- PUSH GOAL- Wake up early

When I evaluate my list I see that getting up early is the domino to push my other goals into existence so that is where I focus. I could focus on reading my Bible but it won't make getting ready for the school year more likely to happen. If I focus on getting up early though all my other goals have a better chance of happening. 

After you make your list for the week, you need a brain dump time. Get paper and look at each goal and break it down... what supplies do you need? What tasks need to be done to reach this goal? What training do you need, etc. Get it all out of your mind and on paper. Also, add a time frame to each item or quantify it (like drink more water is not enough...drink 1 gallon of water a day. It has a time frame and a quantity that is easy to say if I met the goal or not). 

Then you schedule a few tasks each day to work through your list. By doing this you will see a HUGE improvement in what you get done!

Check out the FREE 30 day course here...

Saturday, August 8, 2015

The Lighthouse Family Retreat

I am so excited to share about our week as a retreat family at the Lighthouse Family Retreat. It was the HIGHLIGHT of our summer (and keep in mind we just got back from Thaddeus' Make a Wish trip to that is saying something!) 

I will walk you through from beginning to end...

We arrived VERY late. We got our MAW flight into Orlando and rented a car and drove all the way to Destin, Florida. We arrived about 1 am but our family partners were up, smiling, and ready to greet us! My only regret of the week is not getting there in time for the first night beach bash!
We were housed for the week in the beautiful Tops'l Resort at the Beach. We were greeted with so many lovely touches by our Family Partners...Lighthouse T-Shirts and bags, water toys, FRESH BAKED many goodies!
We had a master bedroom upstairs with a separate den with a pull out bed, two huge bathrooms, a bedroom downstairs, as well as a full kitchen, dining room, family room, laundry, and patio that walked right out on to the tennis courts! AMAZING and let me remind you at NO COST to us. Crazy amazing. After the year we have all had this was such a treat.

We had two family partners that served us for the week:

These sweet girls! Cyndi, Jordan, Jada, and Jillian...


And another family James, Rachel, and Laura...
James was so fun and playful with our boys...such a sweetheart!

We just know God handpicked these families for us. 
Meet the new additions to our family...It is amazing how MUCH I love them. They were meant to be just took a few years to find them! The distance between Georgia and Nevada is nothing to God who has a plan to weave hearts and lives together. 
Looking at this makes me miss this little lady so much! Her heart is huge and her spirit is so special. There is so much to love in her teeny tiny package! She is a wonderful mother as evidenced by her beautiful, precious, sweet daughters, a beautiful child of God as displayed in her selfless and giving nature, and an all around cool chick!

These three girls make me want to pack up and move to the South!

All week they so selflessly served us. They got our plates of food, refilled our drinks as we ate, cleared our dishes, DID OUR LAUNDRY and put it away, UNPACKED OUR STUFF and put it away (as moms how often do we get someone do this stuff for us as a surprise?), cleaned our townhome, took out our trash, and just all around met our every need. At first I felt funny, then I relaxed and enjoyed it. It was actually so nice to not have any responsibilities for the week except enjoying my family and theirs. 

Every morning we started with First Watch. It was a time to sing, be served a delicious breakfast by our family partners, and hear a message from Pastor Paul.
After Morning Watch the kids went with their groups that were divided by age and gender and spent until noon doing all kinds of fun things! 
Thank God James was Thaddeus' leader and Cyndi was Juliette's; otherwise we wouldn't have been as comfortable leaving them. But God knew that ;) They had such fun each day swimming and playing with so many kids. Kids that had been through what they have, kids who had ports, kids who had lost their hair, siblings who have watched their brothers and sisters suffer, and other kids who knew none of that world and were there to SERVE these kids. So sweet and special. 
Thaddeus was proudly named King of the Court.

During this fun time for the kids, us parents went for sharing time. We had a beautiful little beach house to meet in, the SWEETEST facilitators, and just TIME and a safe place to share. We had guiding questions and each day God really used that time to forge connections between the 13 families that were gathered there. I have NO DOUBTS we were each chosen to be there at that time together (considering there are 14 retreats each year, God wanted us all at THIS one). Each day someone would share something that spoke right to the hurting spots in my heart and soul. Everyday since I have thought back to at least ONE thing shared there that has helped me get through. It has given Jamie and I such strength to know we are not alone. 

Even more beautifully is that God brought a group of men together at this retreat to love, pray and support each other even from one side of our great nation to the other. It started with a "Dads Night out Poker Game" and has progressed to sweet relationships. So thankful for the men on the retreat and their tender hearts. 

After lunch each day we had "Conched Out" time...which was where we could do what we wanted which usually revolved around calling the bus and having him pick us up outside our townhome and deliver us to the beach three minutes away! It was usually timed perfectly to beat the rain and allow us lots of sun and surf time!

No words needed to see how much fun we had! This beautiful environment was the perfect backdrop for the week. Looking out at the ocean you are reminded what a big, mighty, and powerful God we serve. It fills you with peace. This time gave our souls much needed rest.

The first full day we ended with a family luau. So fun and a great way to further bond with other retreat families and partners. We even had leis waiting for us when we returned from the beach to get ready for dinner.

The next night was a date night at a local restaurant, which the owners donated, with the other retreat families. I got to sit with the absolute BEST people Dixie and Justin, Angela and Nate, and Nanette. God was in even our seating arrangements for the night because these sweethearts are so dear to me! I am texting with Dixie as I type this about getting an RV and living next to her house on her land! 
It is pretty amazing actually as we have never left our kids with anyone other than my mom before. We, before we met our family partners, said we would find SOME reason to skip out of the date night since we would NEVER leave our kids with people we just met! God gave us the BEST family partners though and we went and never thought twice about it! 
                                Musical Chairs Champion!
The kids enjoyed an unbirthday party while we were gone. 
When we got home the kids were engaged in a wild game of hide and seek with Cyndi and James (Cyndi had the most AWESOME hiding spots!), and had clearly done just fine without us. 

We had a family night out where the lighthouse gave each family an envelope with money in it that morning (seriously they thought of everything to make this week so, so, SO special and worry free). We met a few families at the beach and ended up at a restaurant in Seaside called Pickles. Sweet time of fellowship (we drug Cyndi and the girls along...we wanted every second we could get with their sweet faces!)
We all also took advantage of the free shaved ice at oddly popular local food truck that offered us all you can eat free shaved ice! Those things went for $7 so that was quite a treat!

Us moms even got up one morning at 6am and talked Cyndi into picking us up in her cool jeep for a sunrise on the beach mommy morning. It may not have been fun waking up, but spending the morning with those girls is a memory I am glad we made!

Moms had a special luncheon the last full day. We were able to sit with two other moms and all of our family partners and again just be served and enjoy a time of unrushed fellowship. Fellowship with two women who "get it" and other women that don't but want to help us carry our burdens. 

The last night was a talent show that the kids had worked on everyday. Thaddeus did his round off backhandspring of course, Christian was in a hair fashion show, and Juliette sang and danced. So fun! Such talent! There may or my not have been a mother burping and father dancing debacle that involved the Young and Thatcher family =).

The last day they gathered us together for "see ya' laters", doughnuts, and a sweet box of goodies to be opened on the drive. We all exchanged numbers (we have all since had non stop text chains going, prayers, precious) and hugs. These were truly see ya' SOONS...we all hope to meet up again next summer and Lord willing for MANY summers to come. 

The box contained a Jesus Calling devotional (God was in that as a grandma had shared about it in one of our sessions), a Jesus Storybook Bible, and other goodies but most importantly a mason jar jammed FULL of little strips of papers with messages, prayers, scriptures, and words of encouragement from our family partners. The kids and I took turns reading as we drove back to Orlando that day to begin Thaddy's Make A Wish much love for the hands that wrote those messages. So special.

This is what the babies looked like after we had read the last message. They were so tired from all the fun they had. Thank you Lighthouse for giving us this gift. We are so thankful! The friendships here would never have been formed without this week. We have all been through so much and having people who understand to share with is an amazing gift. Lighthouse we can never thank you enough for this retreat!

If you want more information on becoming a retreat family or if you are interested in doing a family mission trip serving families affected by childhood cancer I have included some more information below.  

Lord willing we will be able to return one more year as a retreat family and then return to serve for all the years of our lives thereafter.

THIS ministry is such a huge blessing. Consider supporting it with your money, time, talent, and prayers!


How does my family qualify to attend a retreat?
Any family that has a child (18 years or younger) that is on treatment for cancer or has been off of treatment for less than one year is eligible to apply. Immediate family members who reside in the home of the child on treatment attend a Lighthouse retreat.
How do I apply?
Visit the Experience page and fill out an online application.
Children must receive medical consent from their oncology health care team, consenting that the child is well enough to attend the retreat. Families applying are responsible for submitting the consent form within 30 days of attending a retreat.
What is the cost to my family?
The cost of the retreat (housing, meals, all “planned” activities) is free to you. However, you must pay for your own travel to and from the retreat. There is travel assistance available for families in financial need. Please visit the Experience page to find information about the Stanley P. Thornell Scholarship program.
What does a week at Lighthouse Family Retreat look like?
The retreat begins with your arrival on Monday evening, and continues with environments created to allow time for fun, time to reconnect as a family and find hope in God. Each morning starts with breakfast and a devotional time, called Morning Watch. After Morning Watch, parents will have the opportunity to connect with other parents in a safe, facilitated environment called Common Ground. While parents are away, kids will play! Kids will be separated into groups by age and gender for a time of fun in the sun!
After lunch it is time to Conch Out. Relax, take a nap, swim in the pool, or build sandcastles on the beach! Each night is a programmed activity designed for fun- from a parents’ night out and an UNbirthday party, to a luau, to a talent show like you’ve never seen before!


How can I apply to serve as a family partner?
You can apply on our website. Visit the Family Partner page for more information.
How much does it cost? Will I need to fundraise?
Once you are accepted to attend a retreat, you will need to fundraise to attend Lighthouse Family Retreat, as it is a domestic mission trip and retreat families attend the retreat for free. All Family Partners are encouraged to fundraise $3,500, which is the cost to send one family living through childhood cancer to the beach for a week. At a minimium, adults over the age of 21 are required to raise $900 per adult, $500 per student ages 13-21, and $250 per child 12 and under. Lighthouse will provide fundraising materials and tools to support you along your fundraising journey.
How will I be prepared to serve?
You will receive a manual and you will be required to attend two pre-retreat trainings. If you live outside of Atlanta, arrangements will be made to ensure that you are properly trained. You will have the support of a Family Partner Team Lead, who is in a volunteer leader for each retreat, and the Lighthouse staff.
What does a week look like serving a family living through childhood cancer?
A week at Lighthouse is exhausting and fun! As a family partner, your job is to ensure that families receive the best retreat experience possible. Family partners will help serve and prepare meals for retreat attendees, do laundry and clean the homes of retreat families, lead a Flip Flop group for retreat kids during the morning so parents can reconnect in Common Ground, to name a few! Family partners will work hard, play hard, pray hard, and build lifelong relationships. Family partners commit to a week of prayer and service, while joyfully participating in each retreat environment.

Makeover Your Mornings in 14 Days by Money Saving Mom Crystal Paine

I actually set my alarm the night this went up for sale and got it at midnight for the introductory price of $5. I LOVE Crystal Paine and knew this was a 14 day course I wanted to do.

I went ahead and read through each day and watched the videos, but I knew I wanted to do it fully the 14 days leading up to school starting.

Each day takes about 15 minutes. There is a short 3-4 minute video, a quick chapter to read, and a daily homework assignment.

If I do this NOW, I think my mornings will be running smoothly by August 24th when our WHOLE family joins the school rat race. Yikes!!

From her website about the course:
This 14-day course is designed to help you revolutionize your productivity, streamline your routines, invest your time in things that truly matter, and find more joy and peace in the process.

If you have not met the Money Saving Mom go NOW to her website and read more about this course at :

The price is currently $17.00. She has offered specials for this course since the first day, but I would say this is still a very good price. To buy go to:

I will be writing about each day and how I will be making changes to our mornings. Wish us luck!

Weekly Goals

Well, goals have fallen by the wayside with all the vacationing we have been doing. Back to it though! We have to get ready for school starting VERY soon.


-Read two books
-Listen to a Podcast a day (I finished the 30 day Push challenge today so I need to find a new series)
-Prepare capsule wardrobe for fall

-Date night

-Haircuts for school
-Back to school shop
-Register kids for school

-Family Bible Night on Saturday
-Enjoy Papa

-Complete She Reads Truth study daily
-Write in gratitude/prayer/happiness journal daily
-Attend Wednesday Bible study and Sunday service

-Next five challenges in 31 days to a clutter free home
-With help from Papa: Change light bulbs, paint backdoor, fix TP holder, blinds, stove handle, and master bedroom fan.

-Get school keys =(
-Move furniture
-Finish 2 CCSD required videos
-School bulletin board background and border
-Supplies organized

Sports/Kids Activities:
-Season starter football party
-Confirm and complete kids fall schedule

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Day 12 Pantry: 31 Days to a Clutter Free Home

My Pantry:
I am SO blessed with a big, beautiful food pantry. Keeping it organized is a challenge though as it is a catch all. I try to go through it every week when I get groceries (that is the goal at least), but that often does not happen.

This is also where I keep my oils and all of Thaddy's medical supplies. It can quickly get out of control because it is home to a lot of items that are used daily. 

A good monthly clean out is necessary. So here it is ready for the weekly grocery shopping to be put away. Ready for back to school.