Thursday, December 29, 2011

Housekeeping Schedule

I have diligently followed the Fly Lady since Jamie and I got married and I had to learn how to keep a house. I highly recommend going to her site and reading her strategies and finding what works for you. The whole key is BABY STEPS. Taking one aspect of housekeeping and focusing on it until it becomes a habit before adding another. Once your routines are in place and your house is decluttered it is all about maintenance which is the easy and fun part!! My schedule is below but remember what works for me may not be what your house needs.

Morning Routine:
1. Get dressed
2. Make Bed
3. Reboot laundry
4. Bible Study/Quiet time
5. Wake up kids 7:45

Evening Routine (while listening to flute/piano practice):
1. Wipe down/dust downstairs
2. Sweep Downstairs
3. Take out trash/kitty litter
4. Make lunches for tomorrow
5. Empty/Load dishwasher
6. Look at calendar for tomorrow and pack bags and lay out clothes
7. Prepare school

Kids Evening Chores:
1. Tidy school room
2. Tidy bedrooms
3. feed/water pets

Saturday- Games, Church/Bible Study, Date Night/Kids Movie Night, Gym

1. Prepare homeschool and Girls Scouts
2. Detailed Cleaning/Clean Pets/Cages (Juliette- wipe light switches, kitchen cabinets, and doorknobs, Christian-wipe baseboards, Thaddeus- wipe walls and doors, and Jamie-Mow/Repairs)
3. Library-Adult Dance Class
4. Groceries, Girl Scout supplies, school supplies, ticket rewards, and movie night supplies

When we have an exchange student (or three) they take over the dishes. If you have older kids they can help with morning and evening routines a lot more than my little ones can.

My routine that I am working on is getting and keeping the laundry under MAJOR weakness!!! It is a New Year goal of mine!