Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Cultivate the Lovely

I have been so encouraged by my new "friends" on Periscope. I found Mackenzie Monroe through Crystal Paine and I am loving her encouragement to be bold and gracious. Her encouragement is to "be committed to pouring the labor, love, and study into creating more loveliness and beauty in every aspect of our lives."  I love the FB community where we go on each day and post three ways we are going to try and make our day more lovely. 

It is SO easy to get wrapped up in the BUSY of life. We MUST slow down and enjoy the ride. To enjoy the ride we must make it lovely! Our days are not meant to be survived but lived and enjoyed to the fullest. I used to create scrapbooks and projects that in recent years have fallen to the wayside because of busy and urgent. I am RECLAIMING beauty in my life. I know all to well life is too short. We are not promised tomorrow. Make today lovely. Do not wait for tomorrow, or more money, or more time, or perfect circumstances...those things will never come. All you have is right now. Look for the beautiful, strive for loveliness in ALL areas.

To me this looks like planning fun experiences outside of normal routine for my family, decorating, creating, writing, reading, listening, just sitting and thinking. I have spent many years rushing from one task to the next trying to be more efficient, get more done, rack up more accomplishments. At the end of the day I want my kids to look back on their childhood and say, "We had fun. Mom and dad were present and playful. They made life exciting." They are not going to remember if it was perfect; they will remember we DID it. 

I do not have long with them. I cannot wait. Today is the day to bring lovely back!


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