Friday, August 14, 2015

Make Over Your Mornings Day Three

Today in Day Three of the Money Making Mom Crystal Paine's Makeover Your Morning course, she encourages us to think of our priorities, or our big rocks, and put them in our morning routine FIRST. She says you should have 2-3 "big rocks" or non-negotiable morning tasks. These are the things that if you think about your day when you are lying in bed and you say it was a successful day because I did ______... that is a big rock. 

Make sure you are starting your day with the big rocks, and not allowing your life to be filled with the sand and water of the day. Paine shares from the e-book What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast  by Laura Vanderkam (which I just bought) where the author explains that highly productive people focus on the “important but not urgent” things early in their mornings. We all know how easily the “tyranny of the urgent” edges out the truly important. 

We should not wake up and hit the ground running taking care of our to do list. I need to wake up, fill my soul, and then be ready to conquer the day! For me I have decided my big rocks to start my day are:

1. Pray
2. Read my Bible/She Reads Truth/Love God Greatly/Good Morning Girls/Daily Proverb Studies
3. Write in my gratitude journal

I can easily have a very productive day where I check a lot off my to do list, but at the end feel empty. Like I missed the mark. If I take care of the big rocks FIRST they are not fighting for time from all of my daily tasks that still need to be done, but I have guaranteed a successful and accomplished day when I lie my head down to sleep. 

We need to make sure we are not just caught up in the endless trap of busy. If we allow that to happen we can wear ourselves out and never feel fulfilled. 

I loved this quote for MSM, "I can let me day happen to me or I can happen to my day." Let us be moms and teachers who HAPPEN to our day this school year!

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