Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Gratitude and Happiness Journals

After reading The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin and completing the 14 day Make Over Your Mornings course by the Money Saving Mom (this course will be what I do for the 14 days leading up to school starting after I complete the 31 days to de-clutter your home series). I decided that a simple way to add happiness to our day would be to use journals.
I went on Amazon and got these three for $15. The Happiness Project journal is a one sentence, five year journal. I hope it will give me years of memories to look back on...things I otherwise would've forgotten, without being too cumbersome daily.
 The gratitude journal will be included in my morning prayer time. On each page it has inspirational quotes and questions to ponder. There is then a space to write a few things you're thankful for each day of the week. Hopefully starting the day in an attitude of gratitude will help me keep a good frame of mind; no matter what the day throws my way!
Last, I bought a three year Q and A journal for kids. It has a question a day and a spot to ask the same question three years in a row to see how your kids answers change. Hopefully it is a good way to teach the kids about journaling and show them how journals can be used as a "treasure house of memories" which is one of the things Rubin suggests adds happiness to your life in her book.

If you want to read more, check out the links...

The Happiness Project

The Money Saving Mom

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