Friday, July 3, 2015

Weekly RAK (Random Act of Kindness)

For his birthday Thaddeus asked for donations to make homeless blessing bags. He was SO blessed with a huge outpouring of support. He was able to make over 60 bags! As we were looking at the items left over, I received an email with a request from Candlelighters of Southern Nevada for items needed for their new patient diagnosis kits.
It just so happened we had a lot of those exact items left over. Thaddeus was so excited to be able to take two huge bags of donations to the Candelighter office. This organization has done so much for us and we were thrilled to be able to give back, even in a very small way, to them!
The next thing we will be doing to support them and two of our friends is run in this race.
Mailchimp Promo
More info to come.
ALSO, we hope to help Candlelighters get all football teams in Las Vegas wearing gold socks in September in honor of Childhood Cancer Month. That will be a very exciting thing we get to be part of in the upcoming months!

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