Saturday, September 12, 2015

Makeover Your Mornings Day 11-14

Day 11 Diet and Exercise: Do not let your own nutrition and fitness fly out of the window. Find time; even 15 minutes. I started a workout club that is meeting at 3 PM three times a week at my house. It will keep me accountable to work out. I also am going for two long runs on the weekends. I want to enter another Spartan Race in the Spring and maybe run a half marathon in the early Winter. I have been prioritizing drinking water and eliminating caffeine (not coffee just any other caffeine) but I struggle with making myself eat properly. I have to focus on that. I feed my family and I just do not want to eat too. I need to eat when they eat. That is a goal of mine. Eat better consistently.

Day 12- Eliminating Decision Fatigue: Try to come up with systems that will take care of things without you making another decision. I am doing this by coming up with capsule wardrobes and getting a breakfast and lunch rotation going. I also, try to set things up before bed as much as possible so no choices need to be made in the morning crunch time. This keeps the morning very calm and running like a well oiled machine. Clothes are laid out down to shoes, socks, and accessories, backpacks packed the night before lunches mostly packed... This way my mind can stay in its happy place without becoming fatigued one hour into the day.

Day 13 Dealing with Failure:  Remember failure shows your trying. If you NEVER fail, you are not pushing yourself! When you do fail ask what went wrong? What can I tweak or do differently to be successful in the future? When starting this new morning routine there will be times things do not work out. Don't give up! Next, do not fall prey to the comparison trap. What works for one family and woman will not be the right fit for another! Do not compare. We are each special and unique and each of our routines should show that!

Day 14 Success: I loved the way this course made me think about the various components of my day. Now to stick to all the plans I made! I have already gone through the course three times just to keep my mind thinking about it. It is quick and easy to do. Watch for sales...there was just another $10 sale!

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